How to Create Accessible Design for Multi-Language Website

In today’s internet-driven and highly digitized world owning some kind of portion of online space is one of the key factors in business. Establishing an online presence has become a must quite a long time ago, yet, establishing and maintaining it has become something like an art form within the past decade or so. Today, you can reach a much greater audience using a vast variety of online tools and methods. Becoming international using these digital means has become both easier and challenging in terms of the amount of effort required and approach. One of the most basic and, perhaps, balanced methods to achieve a greater online presence more efficiently is by designing a multi-language website.

Flexibility is the Key

 One of the main rules of designing a website you plan to make multilingual is to make its basic structure, its skeleton as flexible as possible. In most cases, that involves organizing the website’s code and content in a manner that would not puzzle either the programmers or designers, or translators who will work for you in the future in any way. This can be done in a number of ways but more about that in a moment.

Another important rule that comes in handy when designing a multilingual website is relying primarily on professionals only. There’s no point in doing something yourself if someone else can do it much better, and you can be confident in your website’s well-being. Multilingualism is something that’s perceived by many, so checking IsAccurate is more than reasonable and effective if you need to find some serious specialists.

4 Key Tips for Multi-Language Website

Other than that, there are many methods and workarounds that can make your life (as of the website’s owner) much easier. Here are just a few of them.

  • Encode the languages on your website.

This may sound silly, but many do forget to set the lang attribute when encoding the website using HTML. There is an attribute “lang” that tells the browser what language the content of the tag uses. It is most commonly used with an “html” tag, yet, some programmers may overlook this aspect and not change the default value of the attribute, which is “en” and stands for English. So, when creating a version of your website in another language, keep an eye on the “lang” attribute as it may create conflicts between your SEO and the actual search engines. Speaking of which…

  • Work on your original SEO.

Search engine optimization, or SEO for short, is a kind of technique that ensures that your website is more easily found when using a search engine, such as Google or Yahoo! There are many ways you can do that, from creating unique content for your site to optimizing your website’s code, yet, all of them ensure that your site is more searchable one way or another. Optimizing the content of your website in its original language follows the flexibility rule as you will be able to optimize the versions of your site in different languages much more easily.

Translating your content is great but taking this notion further is even greater. To put this clearer, localization is the process of altering the content of your website or a marketing campaign, or even the look of the product in order to appeal to the target audience. This means that by localizing your website, you make it more familiar to your customer and ensure that the customer feels comfortable when visiting you online. This can be done not only by translating but also by altering the text on your website, selecting more culturally appropriate images, and even rebranding your products completely. As a result, your target audience may react much more positively to your business. This, in turn, can largely increase your revenue and create a large loyal customer base. Another great advantage of localization is its high availability and relative cost efficiency. You can try localization company by looking almost anywhere and hiring a great professional for a rather adequate price. So, there’s really no reason for hesitating and going off just with the translation.

While this should have been mentioned in the beginning, making very thorough research is the key factor in creating a multilingual website. Such research should cover not only your target audience and country but also your own grounds, your business. In order to go international, you must first understand where you are going and what you bring to your potential new customers. This notion should not be stopped by any means, even if you managed to achieve relative success with your website at the initial stages of your market penetration. Always make sure your information about your customers, business, and strategy is up to date by constantly evaluating the situation. This way, you’ll never overlook even the smallest detail.

Open More Doors

A multilingual website can be a great key in your strategy that opens many doors. By approaching the translation and localization of your website properly does a great deal of work when it comes to raising your brand awareness and growing your online presence. So, designing a website made for multilingualism is more than just a great idea. At the same time, it’s not that hard. Remember to be flexible, open to new ideas, and, most importantly, confident, and success will follow your steps wherever you go.

About the Author

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Merissa Moore

Only through constant learning and strong dedication Merissa Moore has managed to become a professional writer, traveler, and educator. She believes that only by learning and sharing this knowledge with others, one can truly grow personally. Merissa never stops on her path and shares every new exciting thing she learns every day with you.

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