Design News: Edition Of January 7, 2021

The interesting news of the past week if you are a graphic designer, web designer, product designer, or pretty much anyone that has an interest in design.

The CIA has a trendy new logo. Critics are not impressed

As a general rule, the CIA tries to stay out of the news. But its new website didn’t arrive on the scene very quietly. Read article on Fast Company.

The future of web design

The 21st century is just great where technology is concerned. Technological advancements have invaded almost everything we’re doing. Read the article.

Top 5 UX Writing Blunders You Should Avoid

The article is devoted to UX writing mistakes, considering and eliminating which you will increase the number of satisfied customers. Read the article.

The Job of a Graphic Designer in 2021

What does a graphic designer do in 2021? Simply put, the job of a graphic designer revolves around visual storytelling. Graphic designers combine aspects of art, marketing, and technology to create visuals that entice or inform consumers. Read the article.

Instagram’s redesign has a dark side

Instagram says its new Shop tab is meant to support small businesses and help people connect to their favorite brands. But is it really just surveillance capitalism in disguise? Read the article.

Branding Basics: How To Humanize Your Business and Make It Memorable

Branding itself is a complex concept, and its strategies have undergone various changes over the centuries. This article will overview the critical points of branding and show the latest trends that help companies become recognizable on the market. Read the article.

Front-end predictions for 2021

If 2020 has proven anything, it’s that predicting the future is a mug’s game. With that said, here are my predictions for where front-end development is heading over the next 12 months. Read the article.

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