How designers and developers can collaborate better in an agency

When starting a project in an agency or startup, designers and developers need to cooperate and assist each other by making the website the most serviceable. It isn’t unusual for designers and developers at businesses to disagree when developing a website.

Designers and developers can have an immense impact on the product. With their unique assortment of skills and expertise, they do things one only dreams of. To deliver an innovative and original idea, you first need to build a middle ground for them.

Establish firm boundaries and expectations. Please give them the right tools to implement your requests. Here are several methods that you can use to improve collaboration between them. This way, everything will result in a better final product and make your whole process more effective.

Collaboration challenges

It is entirely understandable for two teams to have contradicting opinions and perspectives on product regulation. Their differences in knowledge, expertise, and priorities can frequently end in preventing the product’s improvement. Such opposing views can be quite harmful to the product itself.

The outcome of collaborating

In order to avoid deterring the development process, concisely establishing the work standards is crucial. You need to set strict requirements and management policies, with which you will easily navigate the contributors’ egotism.

That way, you will not only avoid contradicting opinions, but you will also set realistic expectations and requirements for each team member. Once done that, they will have an understanding of the project scope and what’s needed for completion. And, you will avoid awkward and tense meetings as well. 

Possess a firm policy

In order to avoid failure, you need to create a solid plan previously. It is essential if you want to create and develop great product landing pages. It would be best if you had an idea for your developer to understand and handle your expectations. It is useful not only for that but, to avoid miscommunication and disagreement as well.

Schedule a Kickoff Meeting

It is essential to hold meetings where your designer and developer will examine ideas and opinions during the website development process. During those meetings, it is necessary to set realistic and reachable expectations. Perhaps a particular website section layout is more comfortable to code or aid load times on non-mobile friendly designs.

Make development involved

Once finished with the researching process, designers can start with creating the user experience. They must have regular check-ins with contributors, to give feedback.

Designers need to improve and evolve the creative direction during the early-stage designs based on those evaluations and recommendations. Give the developers the authority in order to enhance collaboration and optimize the designers’ production. It will result in more innovative solutions and a better outcome. 

Build the relationship

Organizing team events is always a way to go if you strive for a more collaborative team. Fun activities outside of work can be a great way to help your workers connect and make them know each other. These activities will have a positive impact on overall performance. Use a WordPress booking plugin on your website to organize everyone in the agency. After all, not everyone will be there and you need to know who will.

Be in Constant Communication

Close and constant communication among developers and designers is vital for success. Checking fonts, layouts, and colors will be much easier if they communicate properly. This will help everything looks the way it is planned, but it will also save a lot of time. It will fix any mistakes beforehand. Use Slack or a similar app. There are lots of Slack integrations so it won’t be difficult to implement it in your existing workflow.

Rally around what’s best for the user

Often many designers and developers don’t share the same vision for the final product. This can be detrimental to both parties’ relationship and the product’s success. One team might prioritize one set of characteristics about the product while the other prioritize another.

Such disagreements are reasonable, yet avoidable. Remember, the end-user should always be the number one priority. By defining the top priority in the early stages of development, you can minimize or even eradicate the said disagreements. 

Create a well-defined system and process

Another set of things you can provide to your team is a well-defined design system and a strictly set design process. By creating such methods, you will structuralize your entire team to be on the same page. However, it is essential to organize and document your whole design process. You need to also set and define a strict set of rules. Distribute the roles among the team and give everyone individual responsibilities. 

Set expectations

Another important thing about having a successful result is deadlines. Give each group and team a critical period they have to meet. This way, you will set a clear timeline for the final result. 

Use a teamwork-friendly production platform

The same thing happens, no matter what. It doesn’t matter whether your team uses WordPress sandboxing solution, a prototype-to-production tool, or a dedicated multisite design platform to build websites.

At some point (hopefully quickly), the client will approve your plans, the prototyping phase will be complete, and it will be time to build the site.

Streamline the revision process

When developers or designers ask each other to make changes, request that they explain the reasoning for it. Using a simple change request template can help establish that structure. Transparent versioning and naming conventions, or in some cases, workflow tools and version control can also help ensure that everyone is on track with the latest asset.

Quick Tips for Designers

Always explain and reason certain elements with particular behaviors and actions. Your developer needs supporting documentation to understand your suggested idea.

An early explanation of the vision or opinion is always a great idea. Take the time to explain the project early to the development and designing team. That way, they will have a clear idea of the project’s goal. It will help them better understand and execute the idea.

In order to be clear and transparent about your visions, you need to design the work structure and provide it in the correct file formats. 

In the early stages of development, set the maximum number of revisions you and your client can do. That way, you both can observe and keep tabs on version control.

Quick Tips for Developers

Whether due to technical reasons or not, specific problems can arise throughout the development process. Immediately notify the team and propose solutions. It will prevent backtracking and slowing down the process.

The integrity of the design should be kept as much as possible. Designers should be in charge when it comes to the design. That’s why it is essential to discuss with them any changes you wish to implement. 

Both designers and developers are crucial for a well functioning product. Each of them has complicated and tricky jobs. Working together will have an excellent outcome for the final product. It is necessary to keep each side prepared and notified.  

We hope these tips were useful to you. It’s best not to overlook these. Conflicts or misunderstandings within a company can bring the whole house down. And if things go like this for a long time, you might be heading for startup failure for sure.

About the Author

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Bogdan Sandu

Bogdan is a designer and editor at DesignYourWay. He’s reading design books the same way a hamster eats carrots, and talks all the time about trends, best practices and design principles.

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