Newsletter Design Tips That Will Improve Your Email Marketing

After a few years of being ignored by marketing agencies due to the rise of social media, email marketing is back under the spotlight. If you are doing it properly, newsletter marketing can be one of the very best tools, as it allows you to contact people that have shown interest in you or your products. It also gives you the chance to communicate with your existing clients and sell them your new products.

However, for these communications to be successful, you should keep a few rules in mind in terms of newsletter design on top of using the right tool, like eSputnik. Here are a few tips for you.

1. Keep It On Brand

This point should be obvious, but it’s better to keep it in mind. Your newsletter designs should be using your branding elements, such as your logo, colors, fonts (if possible), and imagery.

When your subscribers open your emails, they will know at a glance that it comes from you, which will help to build trust and increase engagement.

2. Create A Variety Of Templates

When sending newsletter, you should try to adapt the format of the newsletter to the core message you want to pass. You should have a template for each type of newsletter you are sending. For examples, you could have a template for sales, one for general information, one for news updates, and so on… This helps your subscribers to understand what type of newsletter they are receiving right away and will help them navigate it faster.

3. Headers matter

Like on a website, using headers in newsletters is recommended. It helps catching the attention of the reader and to incite him to dive into it. Pick an appropriate and impactful image for the header, and make sure to use an appropriate, catchy title.

4. Make it responsive

Plenty of your readers will be consulting their emails on mobile. Don’t lose views because your newsletter is out-of-frame and unreadable on mobile. Most newsletter tools nowadays allow you to create responsive emails fairly easily, so you have no excuses.

5. Use attractive images

As mentioned above in this article, you should use a powerful header image for your newsletter. However, you shouldn’t stop here and include other attractive images throughout your emails. This gives your readers points of focus in the newsletter and help them scan it quicker and judge what they’d like to read.

6. Use call-to-action buttons

If you need your subscribers to do something in reaction to your newsletter, you better include some call-to-action. Most of your readers are in a passive mode when reading their emails, seeing buttons that tell them what to do is the best way to activate the “engagement mode” and make them do what you want.

Of course, engagement doesn’t have to be a buy button every time, you can also create some surveys, ask for comments, or offer something for free (people love gifts, as you could guess). Be creative!


Running a newsletter and engaging with your customers is a great idea, but it’s much better one if you do it right. Use the tips above and start thriving with your newsletter marketing!

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